Unlike Pluto - “Oh Raven”

~Zumi Underground

Unlike Pluto has some newer stuff that’s all really good too and I do save it to my playlists, but I just keep coming back to this one when it comes time to make a post.

Not a ton to have to try to interpret lyrically since Unlike Pluto went ahead and gave us a nice little insight blurb in the YT description, but musically, I love the composition of the song. I don’t even know what genre to put this in. All I know is I like it.

I love when vocalists are able to seamlessly transition from chest voice to head voice in the span of one note. It adds such an interesting contrast which in this case is stacked on top of the instrumental contrasts between the bridges from the choruses and the rest of the song. It’s like a little burst of hope that the raven heard the singer’s cries and obliged with a song of its own.

Get more Unlike Pluto on Spotify

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